速報APP / 教育 / Software Engineering

Software Engineering





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Software Engineering(圖1)-速報App

What is Software Engineering?

A software engineer is a person who applies the principles of software engineering to the design, development, maintenance, testing, and evaluation of the software and systems that make computers or anything containing software work.

In this app you will learn about software engineering topics easily with step by step description and also you will learn about software development guide with software design techniques or understand the computer coding easily.

This Software Engineering app provide the great User Interface that helps to learn software engineering easily and we covers most of the software engineering topics.

Following are the software engineering topics that you will learn are:

-- Introduction to Software Engineering

-- Software Development Life Cycle

-- Software Development Paradigm

Software Engineering(圖2)-速報App

-- Software Project Management

-- Project Estimation

-- Software Requirements

-- Requirement Elicitation

-- Software Design

-- Software Analysis & Design Tools

-- Data Flow Diagram

-- Software Design Strategies

Software Engineering(圖3)-速報App

-- User Interface Design

-- Software Implementation

-- Testing Levels

-- Software Case Tools

-- Software Maintenance

-- Advanced Software Engineering

-- Software Engineering Exams Questions & Answers etc.

Software Engineering(圖4)-速報App

So download this software engineering app immediately and begin with the verity of software development.

Software Engineering(圖5)-速報App